The Official Hannibal Thread (NBC Series, GREAT Reviews)

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Jun 19, 2012
I missed the finale. Bullet points? :lupe: rep and dap coming


May 1, 2012
t-dot till they bury me

Don't do yourself the injustice and try and watch it breh. Its just :wow: television


Jack/Will need to improvise their plan

'Ghost' from the past

Hannibal knife skills >>>>>

Potential body count = 4



Apr 30, 2012
Hannibal’s Bryan Fuller discusses that bloody, jaw-dropping season finale The Walkthrough The A.V. Club

AVC: So is season three going to reveal Will Graham’s amazing crime-solving cousins Coy and Vance Graham? Is that where we’re headed?

BF: [Laughs.] I think for season three, in continuing our mash-up of Thomas Harris’ DJ instinct, we will blend of the novel Hannibal and also the novel Hannibal Rising and doing our own version of the Hannibal Lecter origin story, which will bear no resemblance to what is in Hannibal Rising.

AVC: Are we supposed to believe that what Beverly saw in Hannibal’s basement that shocked her so much was Abigail?

BF: That was the idea that we had always talked about. Did she see this poor girl down in the basement, and was like, oh my God, he’s been holding her captive like an animal this entire time, and she turns around in a rage of “you monster!”? That was something we had talked about. What exactly did Beverly see? In my mind it was always Abigail Hobbs down there in some way, caught with her hand in the candy jar. That felt like it was the genuine surprise.

And also, we didn’t know, because we cut away, and we see the bullet go through the ceiling of the basement into the dining room, we didn’t necessarily know: Was that a dogpile on Beverly Katz with both Abigail and Hannibal? Although, I don’t think Abigail would have attacked Beverly in that moment. I think she was very reluctant to attack Alana, which is why she was so confused and upset when Will finally sees her, because she’s like, “This is not the plan that we had discussed.”

AVC: Okay, I’ve just got to ask. Is everybody dead?

BF: [Laughs.] Not everybody is dead. But not everybody lives.

VC: Where are you in the process on season three? With Hannibal and Bedelia escaping to Europe, are there any chances to film there?

BF: We are absolutely exploring it. That was one of the things that I said was very important to me. If we have to even get a unit that shoots somewhere abroad for exteriors to help us sell the Silence Of The Lamb through-line of season three. So yes, our plan is right now to shoot abroad anywhere from three to five weeks to help create that world of them on the run in a different environment, in a different country and right now we’re looking at what our tax incentives are in various countries to be able to pull that off.

So you were thrown by the Bedelia reveal?

AVC: You know, a little bit. I was trying to figure out who would be sitting next to Hannibal, and then, oh, it was Bedelia.

BF: Well, our original intention was for it to be Abigail sitting next to him. And then it felt like, with where we were going in the story with all of the parenthood thematics, that if Hannibal had plotted this escape for all three of them, and then Will had betrayed him, it’s basically like a violent breakup: This is where we were going, but you screwed it up, so I’m going to make sure that all of the happiness that was planned for us can never happen, because you betrayed me. And it is such a brutal, spiteful, vengeful, vicious act to spare this girl’s life, and then, everything that she meant to Hannibal was so intrinsically tied to Will Graham that he just had to raze the Earth of their relationship. Unfortunately, that included poor Abigail.
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Apr 30, 2012
Hannibal: Bryan Fuller on Season 2's Shocking End and Big Changes in Season 3 - IGN

IGN: Okay, so knowing that, Hannibal is obviously a genius and playing amazing mind games with everyone, but he did go to Bedelia’s house at one point, in his "kill suit", intending to get rid of her if she hadn't fled. Anything you can say as to what we might infer beyond that? She was gone for a lot of the season, so might some communication have occurred at that point?

Fuller: Well, I think we can assume that some communication happened between episode 12 [and the finale] -- between her capture by the FBI and the time she got on the flight. So, part of that, the fun in that, will be revealed in the first episode of Season 3 - exactly why she was on that plane, what is her agenda, and how she fits into the bigger story of Season 3. That’s all going to be wrapped up in that first episode of Season 3, which will function almost like a pilot for a new series.
GN: Is it safe to say that we will be seeing much more of Gillian [Anderson] than we have in the previous two seasons?

Fuller: Yes, that is the goal. We are hoping, depending on Gillian's schedule, that she would be a regular, but that's all down to negotiation and her availability, and that sort of thing. But, you know, I went into Season 2 wanting Gillian to be a series regular and that's definitely the intention going into Season 3, is that we would love a lot more of Gillian Anderson, because that’s never a bad thing.

IGN: You’re telling your own interpretation of these stories that the books began, and there are characters like Beverly, or “Alan” Bloom, in the books, who were present but not huge characters, versus people like Chilton and Jack, who had large supporting roles. And then of course there's Will and Hannibal... Are you having fun playing with how much you might veer off path? Because obviously, if Jack is dead, that would be a giant change for everything we know about what follows.

Oh yeah, it would be huge! It would, it would make a huge impact on the series. Whether or not Jack Crawford survives this night, you know, he has got a shard of glass in his neck, and it's gonna be bad when they pull it out, if he is still alive when the paramedics get there. I think the fun in frustration is, oh my god, basically the main cast, except for the title character, is lying dying, and you won't know until episode 2 of Season 3 who survived. You won't even know in the first episode who survived.

IGN: I wanted to ask you about some other characters you have in play. I was very excited when Miriam popped up alive; something I'd been very much hoping for. After that big event with Chilton, we don't find out what happened to her next.

Fuller: I would love to have Anna Chlumsky back on the show in Season 3, just because I effing love that lady.

IGN: She's great.

Fuller: She is a ball of light and she's wonderful to be around. So, you know, with Season 2, the deal with HBO was we had her in two episodes, and they agreed to one episode because she's under contract with Veep and said, “You can only use her in a second episode if she doesn't talk. So we will absolutely be re-approaching HBO and Anna, and seeing what her interest is in returning to the show, and what HBO's capacity is for allowing us to use her. But she is somebody that I would love to continue telling stories about. I thought she was wonderful in that episode. She's amazing, and she's lovely, and genuine, and, it was funny, because she had been working with Raúl Esparza on another show, and when he found out that she was cast in Hannibal, he was like, “Oh my god, I am so excited! I wish we had scenes together.” That was in the first season, and then it was like, “well, you're gonna have sort of a scene together in Season 2…”

IGN: Then of course, the Vergers were a big part of the second half of this season. We did get an ending to their story for now, but obviously anyone who knows the books and the mythos will be wondering when that might percolate back up. And that's one of those things where it feels like it could be a couple of seasons from now, or it could be sooner.

Fuller: I would love to continue telling the Vergers' story in Season 3, because we shifted the paradigm significantly from the books, in that, in the books, when Hannibal is fingered, as it were, he's caught. He guts Will with a linoleum knife -- which is exactly why the knife that we had him gut Will with is in the television show -- and as he's leaving, he's caught. So he goes right into incarceration. We don't have the fugitive stage. So, in, in some ways, we are doing the novel Hannibal mashed up with the novel Hannibal Rising for a big chunk of season 3.

IGN: So perhaps the Vergers can kind of weave back into that?

Fuller: I would love them to. I think Michael Pitt is fantastic and infectious in the role, and I can't wait for him to try to serve up the comeuppance.

IGN: Fans were again worried this year, "Is Hannibal gonna get renewed?," and of course it did get renewed, and earlier than last season. At the end of Season 1, I know you'd said that if NBC hadn't renewed it, you felt pretty confident it could've survived somewhere else. Is that still the feeling, as far as where the show is?

Fuller: Oh yeah, we had two very viable backup plans that were champing at the bit, should NBC cancel the show. And, fortunately NBC didn't, and I'm glad! I'm glad we're still on NBC, because they have been fantastic partners for the show, and as you can see, they've really given us the creative freedom to tell the story that we wanted to tell, and they've also given us a very wide berth in terms of standards and practices.

IGN: Yes, they have!

Fuller: The other options were cable-y, so that wouldn't have been an issue, but it is nice to continue that relationship with NBC because it's been a very positive, creative one.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Finale was everything it should have been. Hated the Scully reveal, but since Fuller says in the interview above that it will be explained in the first episode of the next season I guess I can live with it for now.

Mads playing psycho violent Hannibal was amazing


May 28, 2012
wow 10/10 probably will watch again tomorrow. i thought fargo was packing the heat, but this shyt right here.
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Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
We leave Will Graham and Jack Crawford both bleeding out in Hannibal’s kitchen. So… are you and Laurence Fishburne back for Season 3?

[Laughs] It’s a fair question! We will see who returns for Season 3. In the show, at this point we have an established tradition of people not dying when you think they’ve died, but there are only so many times you can get away with that.But the short answer is, yes, I am definitely back. And Laurence is back—per availability. He has a couple of other pots on the stove as far as other projects go, but there’s nobody on the show that doesn’t want him to come back. The show has to take on a pretty different shape at this point, I think.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
I missed the finale. Bullet points? :lupe: rep and dap coming
Breh you watching this shyt is more important than any rep or daps.

I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet but here's my reactions

Abigail Hobbs :ohhh::mindblown:

Hannibal's Psychiatrist :ohhh::mindblown:

I'm not reading any of those interviews cuz it will ruin the next season but god damn. This show is incredible.

I'm actually pissed that I gotta wait till Next year to see the new season.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Yes. I'm amped up. If they nail this finale I'm going on a recruiting spree....cats ain't sleeping on this show anymore breh.

I just had to post this on my Facebook:

Hannibal is officially the BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION!!!

Now you know I love Game of Thrones. But it's season 4 now. People forget how slow and choppy it was in the first 2 seasons

Hannibal just had it's second season finish. And I'll put MONEY on it. You put the first two season of Hannibal up against the first two seasons of Game of Thrones..........

Not even fukking close!! This dude has made me forget Anthony Hopkins even exists!!
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