Piano Reevez - GT: Piano Reevez
iceberg_is_on_fire - GT: Agent Ice
bboystyle - GT: TBM bboystyle
AkaDemiK - GT:
AkaDemiK Da KiD
Llysol - GT: Sol Deuce
Merkage - GT: The Merkagge
JoelB - GT: JoelB585
Spuurk - GT: Spuurk
yo i sent out a msg to everyone in my bracket on xbl. I'm trying to play after 9pm or 10 pm EST tonight. I looked at yall posts and i think this works out good for everyone.
I'm good to play anytime tonight
Iceberg said he was good after 10:30 EST
Joel, Spurk and Merkage can play after 9pm EST
Bboy can play anytime after 6 pm EST (3 PST his time)
still waiting on confirmation from piano reevez and llysol
all of this is still speculation, but holla at me so we can knock this round out.