this came on my feed. gonna see what this hitting for. comments saying good things
i like the 1st song
2nd song. that benny verse does not go with that beat man
im trying to like this but some of the verses picked not matching man
okay after some duds, Mr. White bringing me back.
i like Bad News
holy shiit maybe the 1st Conway verse that matches the song in Not a Game
this tape shines with its transitions and skits, interludes stuff
shiit Insight fit that Benny verse, shiit might be a highlight of the tape
life is good also. wouldve stopped the song before the Con verse tho
that NWO is great track. shiit even the Con verse fit
okay November 30th another. okay the Benny & Con's verses matched too
i would say this is a really good listen for Gxfr fans. at times you might feel the song chose dont match the beat
but this HiDef dude put 1 heck of an effort together