This ones for the old skool heads. Big set from 05/06 times on Laylow 106.8 (only West/NW London heads will really know about this station).
Been looking for this for years was originally on one DVD called North West At Large.
Most entertaining part is the clash between Nasty Jack and Iceman (17.00). Iceman tried send for Lightning (Younger Nasty at the time) but obviously Nasty Jack wasnt having none of it so they started clashing then Iceman said 'suck your mum' in a lyric and things momentarily went beyond music but they went outside and it got squashed before it escalated.
Thats how you know Iceman was on it coz most man would have been too shook to pipe up to Nasty Jack like that, guy was probably only like 16/17 at the time of this as well. He's doing life in prison now over some shooting I think.
Theres also another clash with Marcie Phonix against some random guy called Terror D, but he just seems like some road guy that wanted to spit a few bars that night. Even though he was shyt he made an absolute mockery out of Marcie, was snatching the mic off him, had bars about putting shots through his mum and all sorts. Didn't get as heated as the other clash but Marcie tells him to allow the mum talk and even then he just bullies him and spits the same bar again. Iceman ended up sending for Marcie about this over that Dot Rotten/Young Dot beat Taliban for some reason.