I finally started playing this. Skipped it last gen,got it on ps4.
Experienced around 8 game breaking bugs
Im like 60% through the story and its probably the worst gta Ive ever played. The 3 main characters are all just boring or completely unlikeable.The only character I like in the entire game is lamar and hes barely in it.
The side quests are crap,and most of the missions have been boring as hell. This game is like 90% filler.

Experienced around 8 game breaking bugs

Im like 60% through the story and its probably the worst gta Ive ever played. The 3 main characters are all just boring or completely unlikeable.The only character I like in the entire game is lamar and hes barely in it.
The side quests are crap,and most of the missions have been boring as hell. This game is like 90% filler.