2nd challenge?
3rd challenge is worse and the today's is
Still got gold on all of them though.
As far as Chongyun, I got maxed constellation on him and don't even use him. The sole reason I'm even using promogems on the current banner is to max out Razor. Still need 3 more to do that though.
The 4th glide challenge is some fukk shyt![]()
Same.... I cleared the other challenges on the first try but kept getting 29460 score my first two tries due to that damn ground coin then cleared it on the third at about 32k...I found the gliding challenges thus far easy, today was the only one I thought didn’t have any flow to it and I had to try it 3 times before getting the gold.
that second or third coin that’s nearly ground level fukks up the flow of the whole challenge.
my top score is only 32K for this challenge and I’m not even going to try to better it
How ya'll getting so many dupes of ya'll actual mains. I only got 1 constellation for Razor and he never leaves my party. And I only got that one from buying a dupe direct when he was featured in Paimon's store. They keep giving me Barbara and Fischl tho and them hoes on certified mining duty.
Well it might seem impressive I got 4/6 Razor but keep in mind I also got:
Literally 8 Xiangling in a row. Never use her.
6/6 Chongyun, never use him.
4/6 Noelle, never use her.
3/6 Barbara, never use her.
3/6 Kaeya, never use him.
1/6 Fischl and 1/6 Xingqui, who I plan to level at some point.
Anyway, my point is I've mostly had terrible luck with constellations. Except Razor.
But the obvious thing here is that you're still getting a shytload of dupes overall. I've only gotten a few of them and they've been predominantly for my non-use characters completely. I've only gotten 1 of each respective wished dupes for characters that I actually use in Xiangling and Xingqui.
From the looks of your list there, you probably have double the amount of dupes overall that I have entirely. I got a couple of Noelle dupes and I barely use her. A couple Fischls, a couple Barbaras and the aforementioned 1 of each for the X-clans above. That's about it. You shelling on money breh, lol?
For my lack of dupes, I do have a lot of the current roster tho, as I have 16 characters now. I like about 10 of them.
Nah, I spent around $50 a month like I said. Not counting the BP or the blessing thing.
Also I don't play on my phone but I use Google Play to make purchases for the game. Each purchase gives you points, I was able to re-up my blessing for like 3 months just off the points. That's a decent chunk of genesis crystals all at once.
I mean, it's the nature of RNG breh. I'd say my luck over all in this game is fairly well but the flip side of that is I have literally one 4* artifact with +pyro damage. Zero 5*. Which doesn't seem like a big deal but I have every other stat and/or combination, including every other elemental damage type. And I been running the Zhou nonstop, for 5/5 Crimson Witch Of Flames for Diluc. Statistically speaking, it's damn near impossible to not have at least one +pyro damage artifact, even if the sub stats are shytty. Yet here I am. So it all balances out.
Are you saying you've paid $50 a month, consectively or just once? I'm not faulting you, just asking for clarity.
I'm at AR 45 and while I get 5* artifacts here and there, most of them are still trash and it takes so long to upgrade them as well. I also rarely get the 5* artifact in particular that I'm aiming for in dungeons. I need to do more of those in multi-player so that I have a greater chance actually surviving those 90 level joints that I'm just too underlevelled for in most cases.
Are you saying you've paid $50 a month, consectively or just once? I'm not faulting you, just asking for clarity.
I'm at AR 45 and while I get 5* artifacts here and there, most of them are still trash and it takes so long to upgrade them as well. I also rarely get the 5* artifact in particular that I'm aiming for in dungeons. I need to do more of those in multi-player so that I have a greater chance actually surviving those 90 level joints that I'm just too underlevelled for in most cases.
2nd challenge?
3rd challenge is worse and the today's is
Still got gold on all of them though.
As far as Chongyun, I got maxed constellation on him and don't even use him. The sole reason I'm even using promogems on the current banner is to max out Razor. Still need 3 more to do that though.
Same. I'm trying to get the pyro set for Diluc but the domain is ridiculous. I do a good amount of damage still but the constant electricity usually downs me. May have to start doing co-op to make it easier