The King of Fighters
Your starting 6 right there are essentially all free (well, Noelle isn't, but she was very easy to get on her beginner banner) and at this point in time, the only free characters. Fischl isn't free currently, but is about to become so once the 1.1 patch goes live on the 11th this week. You do get to test run various other characters during story arcs tho. Razor, you could've bought outright in Paimon's shop with Starglitter or whichever one it is from getting 4 or 5* wishes like a week ago, but his time in there has passed now and now it's Bennett and...I someone else that I forget. Venti had a banner, but no longer does so...How much have yall spent on this game so far?
I haven't spent anything yet but I'm out of wishes and trying to cop Venti, Razor, Jean and Diluc.
I have: Amber, Lisa, Barbara, Kaeya, Noelle, Fischi, Sucrose, Beidou, Xiangling, Xingqui, and Chongyun
Does any come thru after missions or storylines?
The worst shyt ever is getting duplicates and wasting wishes.![]()
And to answer your money spent question, I've only spent 15 bucks so far. 10 for the battle pass and 5 for the daily primogems gift for a month, which just ran off. I'll probably buy some genesis crystals eventually, but I'm still bidding my time waitin gto see what other changes the game goes through with wishes and whatnot first.
Also, while getting dupes is surface level annoying, especially when you're still not getting the peeps you want yet, dupes does have a very good significant value to them, as it ups that character's constellation, which helps level up their kit and adds to their overall playstyles in most cases pretty drastically the further along the constellation you get. Some only need 1 or 2 upgrades there to be 100% better and some others require the whole thing to be filled.