i see the real endgame is still grinding artifacts 

I thought they were pretty strong but then again I'm used to being underpowered in this game.![]()
I haven't crowned anyone....yet.....I think eula's
attack is getting crowned but 700k more tho![]()
Never thought I'd see the day but I think I've become an elitist breh.![]()
Got level 90 Zhongli and not happy with his damage. Which is silly, he's not a pure DPS. He's probably the best utility character in the game.
But....because he ain't doing Hu Tao numbers I ain't content.![]()
mihoyo severely fukked up releasing Hu Tao + Staff Of Homa. I mean, it was clear the direction the game was headed in with Xiao and Ganyu....but Hu Tao cranked it up to 11.
And they can't really go back. I see a lot of people talking about Eula is weak because she's not Hu Tao. It's silly.![]()
Triple crowned Hu Tao.![]()
So, I got EulaFinally a solid burst DPS that's good at everything. The rest of my roster still pretty struggle. Only AR 40ish, but I'm wondering who else is worth building around. Probably gonna shift all my stuff from Beidou over and try to bring up Fisch as a support.
I'm guess Ningguang for sustained DPS is still halfway decent.
So, I got EulaFinally a solid burst DPS that's good at everything. The rest of my roster still pretty struggle. Only AR 40ish, but I'm wondering who else is worth building around. Probably gonna shift all my stuff from Beidou over and try to bring up Fisch as a support.
I'm guess Ningguang for sustained DPS is still halfway decent.
You done got spoiled breh
Triple crowned Hu Tao + Staff of Homa?
You never need to roll on banners ever again, you beat the game.![]()
my shyt was struggle frGive me a list of your characters and I'll give you some good team combos breh.
my shyt was struggle fr
venti (i hate him)
and the rest of the F2P squad + noelle
i know i need two teams at some point, so i was thinking eula for 1 and ningguang for 2. something like:
eula/fisch/chiangling (or maybe i just buy bennet)/who knows maybe xingqui
ning/barbara/doesn't matter
as a road map
razor, my bad autocorrectWell, you need 2 teams for Spiral Abyss but I kinda hate Spiral Abyss. It's just not fun to me, even with the beastly teams I have.
It's optional, at most you'll lose out on around 200 primogems and a few other resources. So if you're strapped for time or resources just focus on one team.
Why do you hate Venti? He's probably the most useful character you have.
Raven is Razor I assume?
Anyway, Eula is a no brainer.
I'd pool resources into Xingqiu ASAP.
His ult + Chongyun = everything is frozen. His ult + Razor (or Beidou, or Fischl) = everything is stunned. His ult + Xiangling, = constant vaporize. Which is the strongest consistent elemental reaction in the game.
Eula + Beidou, Razor, or Fischl = physical defense down. Which is obviously Eula's bag.
You honestly got some good team combinations man.
If you have the option of getting Bennett, definitely get him. He's probably the most broken character in the game. Not damage-wise, but as far as his utility.
razor, my bad autocorrect
venti's whole vibe isi'd refund him if i could. i only use him to get around the map
i honestly can't make sense of Xingqui's kit. Hell, Barbara with just a 3 star Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers brings more healing, wet on hit, 50% attack on the next switched in character, free res, etc. I do need a battery character so maybe he fits the bill there.
New pain because I've got more 5 star weapons than characters![]()