Wings 3D | A Polygon Modeler <---- FREE. Strict Polygon Modeler, used to use this ages ago.
I don't know if it's still being updated but if you want to model quickly or nearly as quickly
as you can in BLENDER. If I remember correct if you go into the menu/settings you can change
how the interface behaves. There's a "Blender" setting that'll allow you to use blender hot keys (which
have changed over the years unfortunately
Anim8or 3d Modeler <---- FREE. The very first 3D Program I ever touched and worked with.
It's simple, easy to use, and has a suite of now common place modeling tools.
Just wanted to throw these in here.
I've got a lot of free time now so I'm planning on taking my Java Skillz to C#.
Might post up some stuff if I wind up putting together something decent.