One of the social media concepts that I think is interesting, is that it was designed to showcase your "whole self", there would be no more work self, home self, private self, family self, it was all one. But, I think what it's revealed is that we probably shouldn't know all sides of someone publicly. Technology gave us the digital record of the relationship, plus the outlet to showcase it.
Two, the idea that Gibbs, or whoever, need to make "responsible" decisions about who they fukk, or run around with, most of the gangsters I know or was around, all have these same type of situations. You get really into that scene, strip clubs, strippers, pornstars, escorts, it's going to come with a price.
Third, I do not have anywhere near the messiness or prolific sex life of Gibbs, obviously, but I would not want the things I said or did in the bedroom to be exposed. It's private and intimate for a reason. It's nothing like spreading whatever, but would I want or anyone want an audio of sex talk leaked?