How about we finally get this transnational drug empire built up?
You and Holli get that pure from Northern South America, transport it via secret Medellin submersibles to Jamaica where my famz out in the mountains clears out bush for airstrips. I collect in Florida, ride dirty up to DC where guru and his mans dem distribute. Send packs down route 66 Pen locks down the west, you know we got the whole eastern seaboard on smash (no SEPTA), the duns up in Canada know how to handle a blizzard, and the international man of intrigue CIA, FBI, DEA, Interpol most wanted yoyoyo makes sure Kunty gets it in the south and Gilv in the North.
Then we buy this. On sale right now in Lantana for 25mil. 27k sq ft. Brehs, that's intercoastal on one side, private beach on the other