G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman
Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
Can't say this show is any worse than Mike and Mike or any other debate show on ESPN. This is the biggest show on the network aside from sportscenter.
was this really said breh??"Tebow is in Mara's(Giants Owner) head
I really think has some bizzarro psychological defect when it comes to LeBron. Somethin is seriously just "not right" wit dood.
Tried to give da show another chance but i couldn't make it thru. It has gotten so ridiculous.
Naw nothing is wrong with him he's just an all-time great . I can't imagine how bad that shyt has gotten it had already become a parody of itself when I stopped watching months ago. Jalen truly ethered his ass. Hasn't been the same since. I think they just got to a point where they said "fukk it let's just let Skip and Screamin A loose". They are both perfect examples of things that are good in small doses.
Like you, I havent seriously stopped n watched it since da finals. I'm workin from home today n had it on in da background and it was a segment on Lebron and buddy just couldn't let whatever "it" is he's got against Lebron go. It's seriously like some really strange mutation combo of denial and vindictiveness or somethin he has built up inside of himself towards Bron. It just makes absolutely no sense.
I tried to sit dere n listen but I just turned dat shyt off n put mah music back on.
I'ma need Jemelle to stand up and turnaround..