I wasnt fukking with their kits. You got anything else?You cool with exchanging for Croup Drums?
I wasnt fukking with their kits. You got anything else?You cool with exchanging for Croup Drums?
Which kits did you want?3 Alchemist Kits?
Deadly Drums 1, 2, 3? (Not from Croup)
Anyone have Alchemist Part 2 or Marco Polo part 6? Or anything with some dust on the drums. Breaks chopped and compressed. Simple shyt. I need something that moves me.
3 Alchemist Kits?
Deadly Drums 1, 2, 3? (Not from Croup)
I got alchemist part 2I wasnt fukking with their kits. You got anything else?
Anyone have any suggestions on new plugins? I'm tired of using nexus