There is NOTHING special about this film. I’m actually surprised at how much praise it’s getting in this thread.
The storyline is a variation of the same fairytale we’ve seen told a million times already. Kid gets his perfect life uprooted by a traitor who kills his father so the kid goes into banishment to spend his life working towards getting his vengeance. At this point, this revenge fairytale has been told more than the save the captured beauty fairytale. This mid storyline (and yes, the “twist” didn’t make it rise above mid levels) is backed by weak writing. Which I’m ok with when it comes to fairytales/folklore/action flicks just pointing out that the writing doesn’t elevate the movie either. Everything just…happens…cuz it needed to happen to fulfill the folklore. Lamed out by not using subtitles; everyone just knows how to speak English, even the low born slaves from far away lands. Kinda glad they did, cuz this movie ain’t worth reading subtitles throughout, but this is the kind of movie that if they did use subtitles and someone came in here complaining, everyone would be lambasting that person talking about how the subtitles were necessary to keep the movie’s authentic feel. Instead they reserved the non-English speaking to chants, songs, and random unimportant conversations.
The movie does have good aesthetics, but it’s really on par for what you’d expect out of Hollywood budget movie in 2022. There was nothing they did that could be considered a leap in terms of advancement in cinematography. No special shot, no special angle, no special lighting, or some other technique.
The only reason I could think that someone would be really wowed by this movie is if they’re obsessed/intrigued by CaC barbarism. It gave some glimpses into their barbaric lifestyles that I could see some people enjoying since you don’t often see those presented on screen that much with such a big budget behind it. I wouldn’t even feel comfortable recommending this movie unless it was to someone I knew really liked seeing stories from that time period.