The Official Da Genda/Intersectional/Safe Space Clearinghouse Thread


Jan 5, 2017
We can all be perfect like you and your worship of Hillary Clinton, and
1) her locking up millions of black men in the 90s,
2) having Robert Byrd a KKK member as a mentor,
3) taking billions in Haitian earthquake charity relief money,
4) destroying Libya,
5) saying all black people look the same, 6) Etc.

On the white supremacist spectrum??

Sorry we're not perfect in your fandom like yourself.

If you read the OP I clearly state the articles for this thread are going to come from a cross section of sources. So you could have saved your "white supremacy" deer in the headlightscomnent for a different thread.

Reading is fundamental. :francis:


You can bring up Clinton all you want, she irrelevant and no one cares about that woman.

And no I read the OP and that doesn't excuse you posting articles from Prison Paul website.

For those who don't know who Joseph Watson is he is the editor of Infowars and long time collaborator of Alex Jones, and ofcourse we know rhat OP is a big fan of Alex Jones and his website Infowars which in extension makes him a fan of Joseph Watson too.

Joseph Watson once said that African and Middle Eastern people are more aggressive because they have lower IQs, you can’t deny that there are differences between races when it comes to IQ.

So again why do you continue posting article from these very shady sources?


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

You can bring up Clinton all you want, she irrelevant and no one cares about that woman.

And no I read the OP and that doesn't excuse you posting articles from Prison Paul website.

For those who don't know who Joseph Watson is he is the editor of Infowars and long time collaborator of Alex Jones, and ofcourse we know rhat OP is a big fan of Alex Jones and his website Infowars which in extension makes him a fan of Joseph Watson too.

Joseph Watson once said that African and Middle Eastern people are more aggressive because they have lower IQs, you can’t deny that there are differences between races when it comes to IQ.

So again why do you continue posting article from these very shady sources?

Read the OP, it says there will be a variety of sources.

In this thread already are articles from:
1) Kentucky local news
2) Michigan local news
3) Random lifestyle website
4) Daily Mail
5) Denver Post
6) PrisonPlanet with a tweet from Huffington Post

I post articles from CNN and Washington Post which told us Iraq had WMDs, which they didn't and now millions of Arabs are dead and trillions of taxpayer money has been spent on warmongering. I don't have to agree with those sources on everything, to post an article by them

Again. Read the OP and stop using "white supremacy" as your rebuttal for being a DNC Cult member.

White Supremacy is 500 years old.

White Supremacy is just as immersed in liberal agendas as conservative agendas.

The tactic of trying to be a media mini-tyrant censor fits neatly in the Safe Space column, as you're clearly demonstrating.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Prof: Virgin Mary didn’t give consent

Prof: Virgin Mary didn’t give consent
Kenneth NelsonIntern@knelson1776on Dec 06, 2018 at 11:59 AM EDT

  • Eric Sprankle, a Minnesota State University associate professor, says “there is no definition of consent” that constitutes God impregnating the Virgin Mary.

  • Sprankle also shares Satanic symbolism on his Twitter page.


A Minnesota professor suggested in a series of tweets that the Virgin Mary did not consent to the conception of Jesus Christ and suggested that God may have acted in a “predatory" manner.

Minnesota State University, Mankato psychology professor and sex therapist Dr. Eric Sprankle critiqued the story of the Virgin Mary in a tweet Monday, suggesting that the Virgin Mary did not consent to being impregnated by God.

“The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario. Happy Holidays" Tweet This

“The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario. Happy Holidays,” Sprankle said.

Another Twitter user called the professor’s claim into question, noting that the Bible states that the Virgin Mary did, indeed, agree to God’s plan for her.

“The biblical god regularly punished disobedience,” Sprankle rebutted. “The power difference (deity vs mortal) and the potential for violence for saying ‘no’ negates her ‘yes.’ To put someone in this position is an unethical abuse of power at best and grossly predatory at worst.”

Sprankle is public with his anti-religious views and endorses "secularism" in his Twitter biography. Earlier in December, he tweeted a photo of a toy Christmas elf with his arm around a statue of what appears to be Baphomet, an occult depiction of an entity regularly associated with Satanism, according to The Church of Satan’s website.

Sprankle also decorated his Christmas tree with Satanic decor, as shown in another tweet he sent this past weekend.

Campus Reform emailed Dr. Sprankle and called his office at the university but did not receive a response in time for publicaiton. Minnesota State University, Mankato did not respond in time for publication.