Yeah but ultimately Zo cant blame nobody but himself.
One point that Corey made over that whole Aires fiasco that I agree with is how black ppl DONT have respect for other black ppl's property/platforms.
If Aires was on DASH radio (white owned platform) being disrespectful, Zo would of handled it with some decorum instead of resorting to throwing bows and getting Corey jammed up.
The fact Zo casued Corey so much bread, was only going to lead to an eventual blow up.
Corey mentions on one of the old RMC 5150 shows that you dont ever wanna be around someone who owes you money cause its only going to lead to bigger problems and thats what eventually happened with Zo.
Also, Zo was hella ungrateful. Getting mad at Corey for having a guest (Rizza) promote his new book, like Corey aint let Zo use the 5150 platform to push his relationship books for the past 5+ years.

Peep alot of the old Eps, Corey always gave Zo a moment to shine and promote.