Cape Town JHB
All Star
Look I think a person should consume things like wild sea moss, ginger, black seed oil etc (all cold pressed and organic) daily for a long period of timeThats basically wats in seamoss tbh
... one should sleep properly, and compliment all that with a healthy diet and exercise regiment.
The likes of Corey will eat processed foods/poison, drink or smoke for years, not exercise and are basically a ticking time bomb as far as health goes.
then the moment they get sick, they think all you gotta do is consume some ginger and seamoss and you'll be good to go.
It's the shortcut mentality that I'm fighting.
If you're already have pre existing condition, and you catch Covid 19 (especially a black man in their 40s and 50s), you are at great risk of dying, drinking some coconut oil won't help (also most of the coconut oil you see being sold is not organic cold pressed)
A breh who's about that health life (like Godfrey) I'm sure can speak on natural herbal medicines coz they've been on that path for decades.
Corey will go back to eating fried chicken and processed sugars as soon as he "feels" better