Cape Town JHB
All Star
So long story short, the other men who control the world are other White Men, so it's still the White Supremacists who continue to rule the world.
Thanks bro
Breh I discovered Gus T Renegade and Neely Fuller Jr in 2009, along with Frances Cres Welsing
There used to be callers on the COWS like Pam (who died) from Chicago, Yellow Manny, Back of The bus, Thomas from New York and many others I've forgotten.
I have studied and been immersed in Neely Fuller's work for years.
"racism white supremacy" is a vague idea, it is correct assessment of white power, but doesn't show any real understanding about HOW those power systems and structures(white organized power works)... Can you explain American geopolitics, French Afrique, English Colonization etc etc
If you have a brain tumor, cancer or merely dehydrated if a neuro surgeon tells you "it's just a headache" that's accurate in terms of describing your pain, but it doesn't help you deal with the tumor or cancer eating away your cells. You'd need someone with a deeper understanding of exactly HOW the brain works to be able to identify the problem (racism, anti blackness) and also have definitive solutions to give us the POWER to defend and perpetuate our own systems. If you can't understand THAT I can't simplify anymore for you... Amos Wilson is the NEXT level after you've discovered the likes of Dr Frank B Wilderson, Dr Frances Cres Welsing, Frantz Fannon, Neely Fuller Jr etc
If you're don't have any other perspective besides regurgitating what you heard from Fuller, that's cool.
And I know you STILL haven't listened to Dr Amos N Wilson