I remember the show, I can't remember the date. There was an episode called "Checking The Pedigree of People You Know" where Cory said he follows people. He followed David Arnold to a mans house and found out he was gay. It was either later on that episode or on the next episode where Zo said "But you've already told us you'd follow people. You only follow dudes?"
Corey said "No I follow women, I followed my wife. I saw her creeping around Chicago, I didn't say nothing, but I saw her."
He already said "When you go on the road, what you think happen? Why men think they the only ones messing around?"
Plus the fact he openly defends and capes for ho's, got with his wife right after she had a baby by a street dude, and how she defended ho behavior when she was on the show, let's you know how she get down.