"The Immortal Nadia Greene" Black comic, written and drawn by a black illustrator. Read it for free here:
New page comes out every Tuesday
I didn't even know Pryce14 was black
"The Immortal Nadia Greene" Black comic, written and drawn by a black illustrator. Read it for free here:
New page comes out every Tuesday
Care to drop some info here, buddy?
* In a story that appeared in Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #8, Englehart said that artist George Tuska—who would ignore Englehart’s subplots and send back artwork with the explanation “I didn’t feel like drawing that”—tricked him into referring to Luke Cage as a nice “schvartze” boy. Englehart didn’t that schvartze was a derogatory Yiddish term for a black person. An awkward apology appear issues later. “What can I tell you?” Englehart shrugs. “I’m from Indiana.”
Just got the Convergence hard cover in the mail today. Don't really keep up with DC, wanted to see what this was like. It sucks so far.
"The Immortal Nadia Greene" Black comic, written and drawn by a black illustrator. Read it for free here:
New page comes out every Tuesday
I've been desperate to read some DC for myself. Wish they would do a service like Marvel Unlimited.you shoulda just asked us, breh
Wait what ? In which bookso they've brought pre 52 superman to the new 52 and apparently he's been there since the new 52 jla fought darkseid the first time....
i guess it explains the new 52 superboy.....
Wait what ? In which book