Flat Girther
I just read the latest Secret Empire issue. That dinner table scene was
Loved the dialogue.
at "Kiss the Overlord"

It went both ways. Hank hit Tony with some ether was well.That ether Tony hit Hank with in Secret Empire #4![]()
It's sad how Marvel continues to crap all over my dawg Hank Pym. Not being Ant-Man in da MCU, depicted as a woman beater, crazy, alcoholic.....I thought he turned a corner with Mighty Avengers n Secret Avengers......now he some kind of freakish half robot/monster/freak now.
Plus, how in the hell does Cap and the Hydra council allow ULTRON of all ppl to just exist n be around. He too dangerous to just be out n about.
It's crazy how one panel that was incorrectly drawn has completely altered the trajectory of a character.
Nah, that bytch is still alive and kicking......
My main beef with Hickman's Avengers run is that he had T'Challa promise to Kill Namor and he didn't follow through on it.
that's not his fault.
notice how they had someone else kill Namor one month after Secret Wars.
So how is Marvel gonna resolve this cap being head of hydra bullshyt??????![]()
Same way they started it, just use the Cosmic Cube.
T'Challa could have killed Namor at the end of TRO, and Namor could have been brought back after Secret Wars like everybody else and been killed again by the Supreme Squadron.
Instead Namor got the last minute save by Thanos' crew just to have the beef between him and T'Challa waved away in the most anticlimactic way and have Namor play no important role whatsover in Secret Wars.
you make it sound like Hickman could've just said "
fukk you, marvel! I'm killing Namor like I been planning on doing all along!"
Actually yeah he could have. He killed damn near everybody else at the beginning of Secret Wars. I'm not saying Namor should have stayed dead all the way through Secret Wars, I'm saying he should should have been killed off during Time Runs Out and broke back after Secret Wars like everybody else.