"Jacob's Ladder" (I hope you see this, it's the basis for the "Silent Hill" video games)
"They Live" (classic Carpenter, you probably already seen it)
'78 "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers"
"Trick R Treat" (basically a modern day "Creepshow"....I hope you seen "Creepshow")
"Creepshow" (if you ain't)
"In The Mouth Of Madness" (great slept on Carpenter movie, maybe you seen it)
"The Descent"
Lars Von Trier's "The Antichrist"
"Event Horizon"
"Hellraiser" 1 & 2
"Funny Games" (the '07 remake by the same director)
[REC] (Spanish movie "Quarantine" was based on)
Romero's "Day Of The Dead" (the GOAT zombie movie IMO)
"The Brood"
Some of those are classic, some are just

or entertaining.