Ok so I’m gonna tell a quick story on my first day at my very first job I ever had when I was 16.
Food Lion in South Park Shopping Center on the South Side of Winston Salem
So I walk in and head over to the clock in station which was beside the managers office.
And I’m there about to get my name tag and apron and my manager just over there talking to another coworker and Trynna get me squared.
when all of a sudden 2 white guys in black trench coats walk up in there.
One with a shotgun and a bag and the other with a handgun and a bible (no joke, he was even wearing a collar like a priest)
This nicca point his Gun at everyone and says “I’ve come here on Gods Will, everyone remain calm and you’ll get out of here alive”
Breh and brehettes! While he waving that gun, shyt was going CRAZY in the store people like not in line was running to the back of the store or anyone at the door was making dashing out.
People was dropping to the floor and someone left they baby in the cart by the register who was crying.
I was one of the folk that kinda dipped off but went to the deli department.
But these cats was running up on the cashiers (2 who was in the middle of a transaction and had their drawers open) just taking the cash reciting scriptures.
the 3rd in the express lane was when shyt got tight!!
this white girl who actually was a classmate of mine named Melissa. When they got to her, buddy with the Bible says “In the name of Jesus open up the register and put the money in the bag”
She starts to panic and is crying
Buddy with the shotty is holding the bag at her but waving the shotty at anyone he made eye contact with.
He repeats himself this time putting the gun to her temple this time saying “I said in the NAME OF JESUS PUT THE MONEY IN THE DAMN BAG!!” **gun click**:diamondbackthreat:
and she, now hyperventilating, as best as she can is trynna tell him she can’t just override and open the drawer, they have to complete the shopping procedure.
He start scream some other religious scriptures stuff. In the background you can hear the cops coming and the shotty dude like “we have to leave”
buddy with the Bible and handgun angrily pushes her to the floor and tries to smash it open. Then gives up and they both run out, hop into a car and speed off.
People then start getting up or coming from the aisles or back part of the store and like 2 mins later the cops pull up.
That baby in the cart still in the cart CRYING. People left purses, and couple of carts were over turn with shyt on the floor.
my supervisor was NO WHERE to be found.
Melissa was hysterical, just laying on the floor crying her eyes out.
I had NEVER seen no shyt like that in my life. And now I’m confused cuz I’m like “wtf they want me to do, work wise now”
cops started taking statements from everyone in the store and checking the cameras.
shyt became a crime scene.
like 2 hrs later only THEN did my store manager pop back up which everyone looking at her like “damn bih, where did you go”
When shyt finally settled, I remember them sending Melissa home and Pam (my store manager) acting like she the one that had a gun to her head all stressed.
All my other coworkers walking around like
and I remember just kinda being there..... I bagged a few groceries, got a few carts but I’m just like

“WTF just happened”
News media all out there and shyt. That night was crazy!
legit true story, I promise y’all like everything else I ain’t make that up