Michael Cole:
On Cena's current heat: "I think there's a reason for that. Rock's fresh. He's not here all the time. Even during this run he’s missed a few Raw's then comes back then miss a few Raw's, so Rock's fresh. He's different and he's bringing in a ton of new faces to our product because he’s a movie star. Arguably the hottest movie star in the world right now. So he’s bringing in a ton of new faces. He's fresh, people watch him, people think it’s cool that a movie star is our champion. John is there every day. He's been there for a decade. He's in the trenches every single day. He's at every live event. He's on television every single week. He's at every single PPV. I think that there’s a familiarity there. I think that fans of our product who watch it religiously and don’t miss a show, follow the inside workings of this, I think that characters like John to guys like yourself can get stale. I think that’s what our fans vocalize. I don’t think its dislike for John Cena; I think they appreciate everything John does.
"John is the most wonderful human being on the planet. He's one of these guys, I'll preface this by saying he's one of my closest friends in the business, but John has not changed in ten years here. John is one of these guys who has never changed who he is when he became famous. He's the same guy that he was when he first walked in that door 10 years ago. He's the same guy that'll sit down in a lounge a chair and have a beer with you and put on some country music and shoot pool. He's that way today just like he was 10 years ago. John does so much and you cannot overstate what John does not only for this company but for the charity organizations out there. When you grant over 300 wishes and being as busy and in demand as John Cena is, that says something about the man’s character. Granting 300 wishes, you’re not doing that for publicity. The Susan G Komen for the Cure, we did the breast cancer awareness for the first time last year, that was all John's idea. John came to the company and said, 'hey, listen, let’s do this.' Next thing you know, we've got pink ropes and the pink ribbon all over the place and it was John's idea. He felt passionately about that. So I don’t think the fans, unless they’re idiots, which I don’t think our fans are, some maybe, but I don’t think it’s a dislike of Cena personally.
"I don’t want to see [a heel turn] happen. I love John how he is from a character standpoint. He loves the adversity. The one thing about John is that John will start out getting booed out of the building, whether he's in a match or a promo, I guarantee you by the end of the match the fans are going to be applauding him and standing on their feet for what he either said or what he did in the ring. No matter what happens Sunday at Wrestlemania, no matter what happens in that match with Rock, I guarantee you that there will be a show of respect for both Cena and Rock at the end of that match. They may boo Cena out of MetLife Stadium, which they probably will because it’s a New York crowd, but I guarantee you by the time that’s over there will be respect there."