he fits that role..
I know lol
he fits that role..
Umm, I think you have it backwards
Martinez was afraid of getting knocked out....not JCC Jr.
Martinez finally tried to bang and got caught in the 11th Round. He almost got knocked out for his troubles at the end.
I dont think JCC Jr was EVER worried about being knocked out by Sergio Martinez. Just too slow to keep up with all his movement.
Martinez was afraid of getting knocked out....not JCC Jr.
Martinez finally tried to bang and got caught in the 11th Round. He almost got knocked out for his troubles at the end.
I dont think JCC Jr was EVER worried about being knocked out by Sergio Martinez. Just too slow to keep up with all his movement.
Floyd Jr the new "The Mexican Executioner"
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haha man did you even watch that fight? Sergio was infighting with JCC landing nasty uppercuts knocking back chavez's head. Sergio got dropped in the 12th, got up and didn't try to clinch or anything he fought like a warrior that night
cmon breh it's only been a year don't try to revise that history
GGG vs JCCjr is a tough fight for both guys. Its a toss up to me and I am not sure who I would favor. Its a "wait and see if..." kinda fight. Like if Jr handles his power well, then Jr likely would stop GGG. I would favor JCCjr because I honestly havent seen enough of GGG and what I have seen....it would be a tough fight for him.
Like he DIDNT WANT to fight Canelo? Like he is afraid of a guy who struggled with a guy he dominated?
We gotta talk about this shyt here in THIS THREAD because its all relevant! nikkas always talkin bout such and such is scared but when fights get made then they point back to some old bullshyt.
Canelo is equally if not more dangerous than Pac in terms as threat to Floyd.
So we goin act like Sergio didn't take a beating by Chavez
We goin act like GGG has Sergios Speed, reflexes, Movement and defense
We goin act like a blown up jmw Rosado didn't lay hands on GGG
Styles make fights Martinez N GGG is nothing alike
not at all. pac is way past prime right now. canelo doesnt have the hand/footspeed/or cardio.
both in their primes, im confident pac wouldve won a unan decision or a TKO. if u made a blueprint for a fighter to beat floyd its pac. iron chin, KO power n both hands, swarming type fighter to give him no space, incredible speed, with cardio to go 12 rounds.
both in their primes, it hink pac wouldve won on simply outlanding. he wouldve walked thru floyds shots and delivered 5 in return.
the fact u compare em is pretty hilarious, pac and canelo are NOTHING alike.
So we goin act like Sergio didn't take a beating by Chavez
We goin act like GGG has Sergios Speed, reflexes, Movement and defense
We goin act like a blown up jmw Rosado didn't lay hands on GGG
Styles make fights Martinez N GGG is nothing alike
He fought the same way against Lee...Nah Chavez was circling him at times and also just mostly walking forward not really throwing much. I thought he was gonna fight him like how he fought andy lee.