why, ain't that the truth? stating a superiority of a group based on the skin color of a group that's pretty much the definition of what's called racist.
It's not that shocking cause I know boxing attracts many a$$holes, it was always like that but still disappointing, pretty much calling me inferior, I can't rock with that, not just cause I'm personally affected I can't rock with that in any case, see Kovalev and etc...
and this isn't even a case like Hopkins' when a fighter just tries to hype a fight, he said it in a private conversation
btw it's alsofrom Chambers that he puts private convos online for the public, that's a sneaky thing to do plus I would have been just fine w/o knowing about Joshua's fukked up stances
a.k.a. blessed ignorance
Joshua is still the best HW imo and the HW I like to see fight the most but with basically calling me inferior based on my skin color I can't rock with him like before...it is what it is. I won't make a big fuss of it though, it's not like I will hate the man now, cause it's boxing and I don't really look for morals in boxing I assume that a lot of these dudes are fukked up but how I suppose to fully support someone who thinks I'm inferior... it's not rational
the only fighter I really stan now is Crawford anyway so it's fine

Stan &

#BombZquad got love for all the people that love us back......we don't discriminate, we eliminate. See Stiverne for evidence

:bombzquad: #BombZquad