wrong. if you dont have thoughts of losing going into a fight you are a liar. thats the whole point of fighting. the mental game. you seem to think that we control our thoughts. thoughts just pop up without anyone haging to think them. thats why every professional and amateur boxer has the same thoughts pop up before a fight. so for you to question my mentality when youve never had a fight is disrespectful. do you think this is a movie where you go into a fight in perfect conditions thinking perfect thoughts?
you cant question my mentality at all. ive fought under terrible conditions that i should have pulled out with. you can never question my heart or mentality. until youve actually been in there to fight thats where you learn the most about yourself. i know my sparring partners that i dont speak to outside of the gym better than some of my best friends. so you know nothing about me.
and you were talking about walking up to a world level pro and telling him you are going to whoop his ass. really? you are going to whoop his ass. i dont give a fukk if you believe it. you dont get brownie points for believeing delusions. its not hard, its not manly its just dumb.

Where did I say any of this?

So, not only are you whining because you're coming off like your mindset is stuck permanently on

Aint it almost 9:30pm where you are? You need some sleep breh, cause you tripping.