You are right. I like the Spike broadcast. Spike and ESPN are the two best PBC broadcasts. TruTV was straight garbage.Tru tv
My favorite fighter of all time. I can't stand seeing him like this. He was the most dominating fighter I have ever seen...this aint right.
My favorite fighter of all time. I can't stand seeing him like this. He was the most dominating fighter I have ever seen...this aint right.
He needs to just stick to announcing. He is my favorite color commentator right now.
Roy didn't even look in shape for this fightMy favorite fighter of all time. I can't stand seeing him like this. He was the most dominating fighter I have ever seen...this aint right.
He needs to just stick to announcing. He is my favorite color commentator right now.
Kevin Kelly was one of the best I heard doing commentaryHe used to be my favorite fighter back in the day but hes still in my top 5, really its probably more like top 3.
Its just so sad to see him lose to random jobbers.
Usually very on point as a commentator one of the best to ever do it! Insightful, smart and overall very knowledgeable he also almost always keeps it 100! Easily the best boxer turned commentators ever
I mean he takes a big steaming dump on SRL that's for sure!!!
I was wondering when you were going to say something about this lolSTOP POSTING THAT ROY JONES shyt GODDAMIT
was afraid this would happen when the fight was announced. not like Enzo is all that but one thing he can do is punch.
we love you Roy. give it up for the sake of your fans, for the sake of the sport, for the sake of your legacy, and most importantly for the sake of your health.