Brehs Imma share a few musings and thots
1) Was about to skip Salido v Kokietgym, Thank Allah I didn't
2) I aint purchase Floyds last PPV, Iont care what the sales are and besides Manny/Bradley, May/Maidana & Cotto/

no fights this year deserve to be PPV
3) I hope no one is jumping for joy over this Canelo to HBO move. HBO now cost $5 more than Showtime and they've raised their price $3 from last year
He'll be fighting Clottey this Dec. The same Clottey who fought Pac like he was paid to take a dive on PPV and then was exiled
HBO has raised the price of their product while providing less of it and and lowering the quality
SHO has put on entertaining but
heavily mismatched fights and they're closing out their year with only 1 mediocre card each month
Last year we

off the competition between the 2 networks. There were great fights taking place every week and we discussed those fights in depth
Now we spend our time arguing ratings, PPV numbers and which network is winning financially