New dude showed up to spar and apparently was beating up on the little 13 novice mexican kid. I was doing work with him without know and he was connstantly re adjusting head headgear trying to take breaks etc and I'm like w/e must be green. My trainer pull me to the side and he like man fukk that dude up he was beating the shyt out of the jitt and didn't let up not once. Now I don't like that type of shyt either so I was like you got it
I didn't really want to hurt breh like that cuz he basically said he only sparred twice but had to intro to the universal concept of energy matching. You don't go beating up on kids because you can breh wtf. its not a lesson worth cte so he tapped to body shots and after we had a decent convo and I let him know exactly what the deal was

he was like well since we was in the ring I thought I was supposed to go as hard as possible. sir against a relatively new child

Just cuz you can do something to someone in a training setting dont mean you should, unless ya'll let it be known.
the boxing gym is such a hilarious place, a absolute different world from reality.