Yeah i'm cool with Bam getting more shine and a showcase fight on Canelo's undercard but this definitely shouldn't be a co-mainim not excited about this co main...this gonzalez isnt that good so its a showcase to me
im not excited about this co main...this gonzalez isnt that good so its a showcase to me
Lol the pain from the nut shots was prolly the thing that kept bowe from completely collapsing from the punishment he took*Bowe/Golota 2*
Golota hits him with a combination to the nuts
Foreman: “Yeah this it”
Golota was kickin Bowe’s ass in both fights..Bowe might have head the fastest fall off for a champ ever*Bowe/Golota 2*
Golota hits him with a combination to the nuts
Foreman: “Yeah this it”