Wilder is a great champion whom fought a fighter in Ortiz that the other big names were scared to face. Then fought the undefeated ex lineal champion. Now he's fighting the guy that gave him his most grueling dangerous fight in a highly anticipated rematch. Joshua said (verbatim) give me 50 mill and I'll fight you. Wilder's people gathered the money and Joshua puss'd out. Which ultimately didn't work out for him cause he got ko'd by the newly inked PBC client with a lesser name. Wilder is a legend. "till this day" will be remembered as much as "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" or one of his more serious quotes.

the pure delusion
Yeah he's a legend cause he beat old ass Ortiz. He's rematching someone who he already stopped and who was old as fukk even then and looked bad ever since.
He fought the undefeated lineal champion who was coming off 2 and a half years of hard drinking, coke snorting, mass eating, depression and 2 fights against the second best Albanian cruiserweight Sefer Seferi and Francisco Pianeta.

And he only escaped with a gift draw

Wilder would be food for any decent HWs in the 70s, I'm usually not the type who trashes everything in current boxing in favor of the oldschool, those decades had their problems and farces too but one thing is for damn sure, the HW division was a lot better in the last century than now.