You moving goal posts
Again....Shawn Porter, Marcos Maidana, Mikey Garcia, and Jessie Vargas. One is not like the other
Jessie Vargas, who couldn't even beat a Khabib Allakhverdiv convincingly, is who we're talking about....not Fernando Vargas or even a Francisco Vargas
"Bu-bu-but Sadam Ali


Stop it. Because he beat a decrepit Cotto got you gassed to literally toss his name out there like that was a good win for Vargas
If the roles were reversed, and I was saying "But Broner beat Ali"....yall would clown me like Im clowning you:abyoumad:
They fought 2 of the same opponents...Antonio DeMarco and Khabib Allakhverdiev. Maybe you should re-familiarize yourself with those outcomes on Broner's and on Vargas' end then come back to the table:
Be here on April 21st.