severe packet loss DICE???

i run by myself. i prefer tdm and squad tdm if ima do so. playing conquest dolo sucks to me
Man ....
When i play solo ... i'm usually out of it. Probably reading or chilling.
Because simply put: i ALWAYS get on the team with 8 snipers .... or the team thats losing in dom .. or the retarded team in squad tdm..
I do not care about losing...All i wanna see is effort. If we are getting destroyed but i see guys running and gunning ... reviving .. ammo dropping .. but we losing .. then im enjoying the game...
but literally nine times out of ten ... guys is just going up the highest part of the map ... and setting up respawn beacons ... and standing there ........ and standing .... and standing .... while the ticket counter goes down .. and we're losing by 300 .... i joined a domination match last night .. my team had 100 tickets ... other team had 293yall nikkas aint even TRYING??????
I look at hte teams to see if it was unbalanced or something nah man even up sides dudes just had horrible kds ... 3 and 14 and shyt so im watching the screen . these nikkas all huddled up in the corner... smh.
Had to take a break from bf4 for the weekend.
Obliteration is where it's at though
I used to play a ton of Conquest, but after getting the hang of Obliteration and to a lesser extent, Rush, I can't even go back to Conquest unless I'm trying to unlock a weapon or something.no.... conquest hardcore against experienced players.......
That M249 200 rnd work
those that revived a few times
Haven't tried em yet, I basically just ammo box and claymoreI use that 240B I refuse to play thru again for the 249 but I'm support thru and thru can you get the mortars working? I've got a few kills but the way i fukk up the level is so awesome raining down mortars.
Haven't tried em yet, I basically just ammo box and claymore