
May 1, 2012
What's good with that PS4 coli crew though? :ohhh:
From what I can tell everyone still here Rekka normally starts up the clan

This is all the information I gathered by watching the livestream
Let me know if something is missing. For those of you who have already seen this list I'll make sure everything new is in bold text.

Infantry / Weapons

- Main weapons can be equipped with two sights - a scope and iron sights.
- Lasers: Red Laser Pointer and Green Laser Pointer. I'm guessing we'll see something else there too.
- Grenades: Normal Grenade, Flashbangs, Incendiary Grenade, Smoke Grenade.
- Gadgets: Two gadget slots. You can now have RPG or Mines + Repair Tool at the same time. No longer have to replace your Repair Tool in order to get mines.
- Pistols: You can customize your pistols with a silencer / flashlight, etc instead of having 20 different pistols (like in Battlefield 3). According to some people pistols have an extended barrel (needs confirmation)
- M26 MASS is customizable.
- Grips: Angled Grip and Foregrip
- Recon Class: Motion Sensor makes a return (Bad Company 2) and C4 goes to Recon (just like in BC2) Support gets the XM25 instead. Recon also gets 14X and 20X scopes.
- Soflam is now handheld. No more random soflams sitting in middle of nowhere locking onto you. Have to do it manually. Image 2013-06-14 at 5.23.55 AM.png [cl.ly]
- Knives: there are different knives in the game, such as a shank knife, the regular Ka-Bar, and more.
- Knife attacks can be countered/blocked (only frontal attacks).
- Suppression is toned down for all weapons except the machine guns. The Support class is now the suppression class (can also lean). Every other class has close to no suppression (very weak, barely noticeable)
- You can activate a few bollards on the road so it blocks the ground vehicles. Your friend (or you) will have to go out and click on this thing next to them to take them up or down. EDSUKB15_Automatic_Bollards.jpg [cl.ly]
- Doing more than 90% of the damage on a target will now count as a kill (so you no longer get random 99 assist or even 100 without getting the kill)
- Water: players can now shoot while in water, and they can sprint as well. Players can dive underwater as well.
- Ammo / Med kit: there are two types of ammo and med kits now, the larger ones which constantly heal/resupply, and smaller ones that instantly heal/resupply, but are used up immediately by the soldier. The normal med kit heals you extremely slowly compared to the Battlefield 3 one.
- VOIP will be availble on PC in-game. For all players and the commander. [ame]https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/344513817784500226[/ame] [twitter.com]
- Battlefield 4 squads now include 5 players instead of 4 (no idea why not 6 like in BF2)
- Large HUD Map: It's way bigger than the one in Battlefield 3. Image 2013-06-14 at 2.14.04 AM.png [cl.ly]
- Spectator mode is confirmed. Very detailed and good. First Person, Third Person, Free Camera and one additional option that allows you to have the map open while looking at the guy's first person view (replaces the minimap) in black and white.
- All three factions confirmed. China is confirmed. US / RU / CN
- New voice-acting for the multiplayer characters. Some placeholders so expect more!
- Reloading: if you reload your weapon before it's empty, you lose the bullets in the magazine (just like in Battlefield 2) NOTE: Seems to be for Hardcore only (for now)
- New weapons confirmed (among others): MBT-LAW, RPG-7V2, FIM-92 Stinger, M320, Saiga-12K, HAWK-12G, U-100 MK5, P90, M4, QBZ-95, M416, Scout Elite, AK5C, PDW-R, MP412 REX, M.39 EMR, CZ-3A1, AEK971, T-88 LMG, Beretta M9, QBZ-92, SV98, M249, CZ-805,
- RPGs can lock-on laser designated targets. Image 2013-06-14 at 2.54.11 AM.png [cl.ly]
- “Perks” are given to squads depending on how well they perform / follow commander / squad leader orders. I think the way this works is you follow the commander orders so you can level up that bar on the left side which rewards you and your squad with perks.
- Minimap FOV.


- New vehicle disabling feature. It’s now based on where the vehicle is hit. Tanks can only get disabled by getting hit in the back (hits anywhere else will only damage the vehicle) which means you can still drive around even if you're at 5% health. That's what I saw on the livestream - correct me if I'm wrong.
- Helicopters in Battlefield 4 now have Night Vision.
- Chinese Type 99 main battle tank confirmed.
- You have to hold the E button for 2 seconds in order to get out of the vehicle (needs confirmation, I haven't seen this myself)
- Chinese WZ-10 attack helicopter confirmed.
- Helicopters have paint (?) BMqTWX6CQAA2ClX.jpg [cl.ly]
- Tanks have camo. If you look at the video you can see that the Abrams (US tank) has some jungle camo or whatever it's called. Hopefully we'll be able to switch between camos.
- It takes 5 shots to the front to destroy a tank (without reactive armor)
- Health Regeneration for the vehicle is either bugged or the developers are out of their mind. Currently it heals you even if you're on fire at 1% and can go up to 100% like this. Really bad. Needs to be removed.
- AC-130 has Thermal and Zoom by default.
- Vehicles do NOT have limited ammo. There's 6-7 120mm shells which regenerate overtime. If you shoot at infantry and a tank comes at you, you will definitely be at a disadvantage. Hoping for limited ammo with 50 shells that can be resupplied by the commander (ammo crate). The LMG on the tank has unlimited ammo. Have in mind that the supply crate from the commander is currently NOT working (will be added later on) so maybe they put the regenerate function so the tanks can function properly for now.
- The boats are mounted with 30mm HE and a TOW missile. Ejecting from the boat will automatically put you on some jet ski so you can run away. No more sitting duck in the water!


- Unlike Battlefield 2, commanders don't have a physical presence on the battelfield, so it’s 64 players + 2 commanders and 4 spectators. So we're going to have 70 players on a server (if there's any spectators watching). Here's a picture of 32vs32 + 2 commanders (so not really active players) Image 2013-06-14 at 2.07.58 AM.png [cl.ly] currently there's a bug that shows the commanders on the scoreboard (instead of just the bottom) but it has been confirmed that we will have 32vs32 + 2 commanders not taking up the slots.
- Commander can use a mini-screen to see what every soldier on the map is seeing (replaces the minimap) but you see everything on the huge map so it doesn't matter.
- Commander can give orders to squad leaders, who can accept or refuse the order (just like in Battlefield 2)
- Mobile Commander can only be played on tablets such as iPad - no phones are supported.
- EMP, when deployed, makes it so the enemy can't spot your team mates (3D spotting and 2D spotting - minimap) very useful when used on flags.
- UAV - you drop it over a flag or wherever you want so it spots the enemies for your team (minimap)
- Vehicle Drop and Supply Crate are in the game, but they aren't really available in the Alpha. Vehicle Drop will either be a jeep or a tank (not confirmed) most likely a jeep like in BF2. Supply Crates resupply your ammo and also repair / resupply the vehicles (MBT, IFV etc)
- You can scan the entire map every 30 seconds or so (same as in BF2) which shows you where the entire enemy team is.
- Just to clear this up - You can use the Commander Mode on ALL PLATFORMS. Using a tablet is an OPTION. You don't have to use a tablet. I don't know why so many people think they need a tablet. You don't. Also, you'll have extra key bindings on PC so you can do everything faster instead of clicking on everything and you will not be able to see the first person camera on a tablet so using a tablet means you'll be useless in many ways.

Other things

- Skyscraper - it is indeed a player controlled event. You have to hit the 4 pillars at the bottom of the skyscraper with a tank or C4 (not sure if C4 works) it takes 2-3 shots per pillar and you can't hit them all from one side.
- Sitting on the skyscraper (top or in the elevator) will kill you instantly the second it starts going down. I am answering this because many were wondering if they could sit in the elevator through the whole thing until it finally crashes into the ground. Not possible. You'll see a bunch of skulls going down with the building.
- As many of you have seen there's no blue tint.
- In Battlefield 3 RPGS can hit your tank (or any vehicle) a few meters behind it. In Battlefield 4 none of that happens. Don't forget that they're all playing with 1-3 ping tho.
- Mines are still present.
- Prone is back in the game. Not really "new" but thought I'd mention it for those wondering.
- Tanks don't seem to get stuck as much on random stones and chairs (ridiculous)
- Can't say for sure, but it looks like jets are back in the game (A-10, Frogfoot?). BMqTWX6CQAA2ClX.jpg [cl.ly]
- Commo Rose is back.
- Hardcore Mode is back.
- Given the difficult learning curve for some of the more powerful vehicles like jets and helicopters, DICE is including a practice mode or tutorial system of sorts so you can learn the tricks of the trade without hurting your team in a ranked match.
- New jets confirmed.
- No mod support. However, according to Patrich Bach they're going to give us more options (for the server administrators)
- No A.I support (bots)

Weapon Customization and Gadgets (Screenshots)

battlefield-4-menu-options-1.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-2.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-3.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-4.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-5.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-6.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-7.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-8.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-9.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-10.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-11.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-12.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-13.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-14.jpg [cl.ly]
battlefield-4-menu-options-15.jpg [cl.ly]

All Battlefield 4 videos for you to watch:

[ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nJY7n8KaOY[/ame] [youtube.com]
[ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgZTeVnM5Sw[/ame] [youtube.com]
[ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJwmN-eMk7U[/ame] [youtube.com]
[ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-cJhOCd7GY[/ame] [youtube.com]
[ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjSykcTGrNc[/ame] [youtube.com]
Everything you need to know about Battlefield 4


May 3, 2012

Spielberg approves :blessed:


May 1, 2012
shyt so serious I got the ps3 version and ps4 on reserve. When the ps4 drops im a trade in that inferior version.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
This game is amazing and it will be no reason to cop the PC version this time since PS4 is legit.


The PC version will still be superior because nikkas have some monster rigs that even surpass the tech that's going to be in the next-gen consoles.

Consoles just won't have the limit on the number of players now


With how huge the maps are 32 v 32 will be crazy



Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)


The PC version will still be superior because nikkas have some monster rigs that even surpass the tech that's going to be in the next-gen consoles.

Consoles just won't have the limit on the number of players now


With how huge the maps are 32 v 32 will be crazy


But I rather play with my PS4 brethen than PC. I currently play battlefield 3 as of now on my PC.