It's a wrap for cod:ghosts
COD: Ghost is still a very decent game. I don't see why both can't shine
fukking around in test range got me liking sniping.. CQB style tho(acog)..
Any sniping tips anybody?
Yeah uh... don't die

Use the dpad to zoom. And pressing down does the thing that compensates for the long distance??
It explains it in-game. If a nikka is 100yrds away, you should move the thing to 200yrds or some shyt
Can someone else explain that shyt to him better than I can, thanks
But the conquest lag is rediculous.
Mr.Rekka Sir. 2 things. 1.) Finally finished the house stuff I had to take care of. Had shyt in storage
I know you peeped I haven't been posting over tthe last couple of days
2.) I have played conquest plenty of times on XB1, NO LAG, full 64player matches all working flawlessly
You can check my stats, I was getting it in TODAY. Took down like 5 choppers in a game, took out a jet, a boat. Took down a chopper from a boat's mini gun.
Rode around cities in a chopper, seeing the buildings all lit up lookin glike Times square
Real talk, when you getting on that greener side? There is a clear reason why XB1 is working and all other platforms are struggling.
That's my problem...I seen y'all talking about conquest so that's where I went......and promptly got my ass kicked
First time I played conquest, I felt overwhelmed myself. But now, its MUCH harder to get killed. Unless you spawn in a hot area, then it is simple to die.
Conquest is objective based. My advice, you have to take it seriously. Don't think COD, think REAL LIFE nikka OR YOU fukkIN DEAD
You carry it like that, you'll take cover behind some rubble if you got to.
Also, if you shoot you are then putting yourself on the map. So shoot wisely
Eventually like COD you will open up perks like silencers and things like not being spotted by ppl/planes/etc
You know what would be crazy.. ? Imagine if the developers of dice(BF4)..treyach(BLACKOPS2)...infinity ward(COD:GHOST) and the muthafukkas who make halo...TITANFALL and ROCKSTAR .... ALL came together and made a new war game that shyt would be amazing ...
You ever hear the term "Too many cooks will spoil the pot"
Dice and Epic would be better. They dont need Trey or Ward. Id like to see battlefield with more realistic damage. I shoot someone with a tank round and they just fall down. Why arent the AT LEAST rag dolling like 50 feet away.
No bullshyt, that is what happens bruh. Well, on XB1 at least

I found a 50cal sniper.
A dude tried to rush me, I quick scoped his ass. He flew over a wall (Tru Story)