Yeah, Eazy is definitely one of them guys that'll battle anyone that calls him out. Now that can end two ways, you can be a Danny Myers or a Geechi Gotti managing your career that way. It's a very slippery-slope. I would like to see Eazy vs Big T, just because I like battles with storylines behind them, but I'd rather Big T get his name up again, battle a few guys and show out, and then maybe take him on a Super Fight. And if Big T can't get his name popping again, then just don't do the battle. Like you said, at this point, it does nothing for his career. The time a Big T win would've helped was when Eazy was still on the come up, now he doesn't need him.
I'd be aiming for Calicoe next if I was Eazy, over Goodz.
Mook was scared of eazy
we finally wouldve seen Mooks style vs an on fire street rapper like there was no angle mook could use on eazy let’s be real , mook would’ve gotten killed and being he’s strategic he didn’t want that
URL is going to have to step in and manage his career for him. I believe they had to do this for Tay Roc during his rise, as he was willing to battle anyone. Big T is just a huge step down. That’s like a Born Legacy battle. To take it further, you don’t even battle him on the url, you battle him on “Battle Academy.”
Prime Big T is one of my favorite battlers. However, Big T in 2021? I don’t even view him as top tier. He’s not a guy that EZ should bother with. Besides, Big T is not a guy that can effectIvely battle on short notice.
To maximize the chance of a quality battle on short notice, the url should be looking at DNA, JC, or Chilla.
URL, Do Not Attempt to book Eazy v DNA...waste of time. Dat Nikka Average
Just a difference of perspective I suppose. You see it as guys being scared. I see it as guys not wanting to just take random battles for no reason. The battle doesn’t even make sense. Why would a guy like Mook be taking random prove yourself battles with no backstory on 20 days notice, outside of the bag?its because you stated why would Mook be scared of EZ, thats why Im bringing it up, its not like Mook has been bodying people to take EZ lightly was my point , i dont hate any of these battlers, I just call bullshyt when I see it
hes scared to battle an in his prime, fan favorite street rapper that he doesnt have an angle on, yes I think so , been that way for years nothing new
Facts. All of this^^^^^I don't believe Mook is scared of Eazy, I genuinely believe he realized he didn't have enough time to craft. Mook isn't one of these Rum Nitty types that just does random nameflips and random bars. He meticulously crafts his rounds for his opponents, everything has to connect. And you can't say "Well these are the times" because Mook isn't a active battler, so the times doesn't matter. That's why I said them Smack DVD nikkas are not active, they are attraction battles like when The Rock or Undertaker come back once a year for WrestleMania or some shyt. They're not meant to battle 3-4 times a year.