no group A, there are no battlers on wild n out, no battle rap events like ether, total slaughter (which may be a good thing), no battlers on flex, etc
A lot of shyt never happens to even get to this point.
Let’s not get it confused you do need group b to consistently throw events. They are the workers.
Yeah I think both are equally important, one needs the other.
Group A is what gets you the fans to love the product, have star power, mainstream attention for the company to grow
Group B is for the quality control, maintaining the essence of what the genre is intended for, advancing the skill level
Comparing to a business, Group A are like the executives, they started as workers, and moved up to boss positions, and only come out when some big shyt happens, you need somebody to be the face of the company to take all the responsibilities. Group B are the day to day workers that keep the company afloat, and it operates so efficiently now you don't really need Group A to come out that often.