The story makes perfect sense, and is in line with how ARP does business.
The event takes place tomorrow. Serius Jones contacted him about the issue on Friday. ARP doesn’t like the uncertainty, especially a week before the event.
He’s the type of guy to try to get ahead of a problem, so if there is a potential issue, he’s going to address it right then because the clock is ticking. In his mind, if Jones can’t battle, I need to book a new battle RIGHT NOW, to give the battlers as much time as possible to prepare.
Basically instead of waiting for the outcome of Jones meeting, he just chose to move on and book another battle.
I clearly see both sides here.
Jones is professional and doesn’t have a history of funny business.
Ok but if that’s true and Jones had a legit reason for possibly not being able to battle and arp reneged on the 24 hours they agreed upon to figure it out
then why would jones wait till yesterday to put arp on blast like that? That don’t make sense to me
Serius seems like the type of dude to speak out immediately if he’s getting treated unfair lol
unless serius wanted to wait until he actually got approval from his po and that approval didn’t come until like yesterday morning or something
and if that’s the case then arp is right in hindsight for replacing jones however shady it may have been
shyt just don’t make sense to me
just seems a lil too coincidental that serius suddenly has a new po while there’s rumors flying around about him battling in the url tourney when we know there’s a history of url blocking rbe battles
and you would think that prior to locking down the max out battle serius would have got permission (if he was smart) from his “old” po in which case I doubt a new po could just deny that permission that was already granted
idk this whole new po thing sounds suspect
imo serius either didn’t cross all his ts and dot his is with his po until it was too late or he shytted on rbe for url