oO J Smooth Oo
All Star
Seriously wtf does this even mean?

Seriously wtf does this even mean?
spin = him and jey will spinning their gun to determine whos turn it isThis is a fukking helix not a ladder. And how do you spin ladders..... nvm. Rum Nitty officialy in my bottom 5. This is terrible and unimaginative writing.
spin = him and jey will spinning their gun to determine whos turn it is
ladder= gun
it's fire man dont hate
aiight...Lu's stabby stab segment in R3 vs Ave/Fonz might be one illest and hilarious shyt I've seen in a battle
Edit: And I gotta give like 50 extra points for still being able to make a mortal kombat punchline hit
Lu's Uma Thurman bar
This is one bootleg I'm never deleting
This is a fukking helix not a ladder. And how do you spin ladders..... nvm. Rum Nitty officialy in my bottom 5. This is terrible and unimaginative writing.
Both Lu and Shine said it was the funnest battle they've ever done and that moment makes it obvious
Lu: "Aye, both of y'all? quit lookin at me like that"
Shine: "Yeah, quit lookin at him like that!"
Ave was gettin into it too, shyt was 10/10. Can't wait for that shyt to drop. I been sayin AYE BIG DAWG ever since
Also not mad at Fonz joining NWX, he sees how Don Marino still gets Caffeine shots after UM1 and knows whats up. Wish we woulda got Fonz vs Shine first though.
imagine a ladder twisted...would it not resemble the picture? It was a creative bar, don't under/overthink it.
“Heard you quit cigarettes, but one pull from this cig you going back to Virginia Slim” was my favorite bar of the event straight up
Serius Jones vs Bigg K cancelled?
He didn't say twist he said spin. Spin and twist are different.