I actually think Todd is a good battle for 40 Cal. Todd doesn’t win battles, because his material is significantly better then his opponents. He really just does the basics, and it exposes how battlers cut corners. If you come in unprepared or you’re not taking him serious, you aren’t winning the battle.
40 cal is still in a stage where he’s loving the attention and excited about the reception, so he’s not going to take him lightly like so many do.
Todd comes with three clean rounds, never chokes/stumbles, and is always prepared. He never comes with short rounds, never raps too long. Even all three of his rounds are consistently the same. They don’t have an upward trajectory, or downward. It’s the same shyt. It’s like a long ass song. There’s nothing really dynamic about the material. It just exposes holes in the other battlers game that day.