Unpopular Opinions About Battle Rap
Watching Don Marino vs. Quban.

Fight starts after round two because Dre Dennis was talking while Quban was rapping and he didn't like it.
Shoving match. They edit it. And then goes to SMACK cursing them out. I got it maybe debatable 2-1. Leaning towards Don Marino but damn man...they honestly lose for having SMACK cuss them out.
That fight took away from the battle.

Fight starts after round two because Dre Dennis was talking while Quban was rapping and he didn't like it.
Shoving match. They edit it. And then goes to SMACK cursing them out. I got it maybe debatable 2-1. Leaning towards Don Marino but damn man...they honestly lose for having SMACK cuss them out.
That fight took away from the battle.