Lol at being a Hart stan. It just sounds funny when said out loud, But i have no problem admitting Hart is one of my favorite battle rappers male or female. So if it makes it seem like im a stan

I legit think she is undefeated.
Obviously when i say "Battled everyone" it means they battled everyone that makes sense. You literally are proving my point with hart. There is not one female in the game that will help her career out at this point. Hart and QB will never battle. They both said as such. You acknowledging the fact that these are "step downs" but still think thats the best route then her getting on the URL roster??
Official already battled Chayna. Official also said she would no longer take Bonnie after it came out she has a ghost writer. Myverse and Phara are bodies waiting to happen. You know that and i know that.
What female deserves a Jaz battle at this point other then Couture? You looking at it from strictly a casuals point of view when we both know you know more then that. Jaz is literally second in the game only to Lux when it comes to playing up her "status" This is the same chick who decided it's better to take a 2v2 against 2 girls she already battle then go against a Tori or a Myverse. You know damn well Jaz is never taking a "step down" battle
Hustle herself said 40 is the only name that makes sense for her and this was BEFORE Summer Impact. She just said literally last week she's never gonna battle 40 now after what she did.
I already spoke about Bonnie in my last post. Her ghostwriting shyt being found left alot of people not wanting to battle her. Jaz Offical and Hart all said they wouldn't battle her after that.
Why is Myverse even in these discussions? People hype her up just cause of how good she looks. This is the same girl who lost to Melato Black and Cee. The hell did Myverse do to deserve to be in the same conversation as Jaz Official Hart and Hustle? Hell Tori and Shooney could Dub a Myverse battle and no one would bat a eye.
You are literally putting matchups together for the simple fact that they have no one left to battle on their skill level. When u do that u get shyt like this.
But according to you this is better then Hart getting a URL run??

No one wants to see Hart or Jaz Or Hustle or Official waste bars on girls they have no business going against in the first place just for the simple fact that they are a girl.
Also you have to realize that Hart herself WANTS to battle dudes at this point in her career cause she herself believes excatly what were all saying. None of these girls can fukk with her. You haven't seen Hart against another female since the Ms Miami battle.
Im not against a Hart vs Shooney battle though just to reward the work Shooney been putting in over the years. She legit went from bottom 5 to top 10 in a span of 2 years.
With all that said!! Hart 2-1!!