I was listening to some of Surf's PSA podcast interview today. His assessment of Geechi Gotti is the exact same as mines. He said Geechi spits some of the hardest basic/straight to the point bars out there and even threw out the Goodz comparison.
When Geechi started, I liked him, but I didn't think he had enough bars to make it where he is today.
Props to Geechi. I feel like he took advantage of an opportunity and ran with it. He was in the exact same position as guys like Snake Eyez, Jakkboy, Ryda, Glueazy, etc. The URL wanted to make Traffic a more attractive card, so instead of matching him with someone like a Snake Eyez, they put him in there with Ave. After that, he's never really looked back.
You gotta take advantage of opportunities like that. Yes, he benefited from being from the Westcoast, as the URL wanted to create a strong card and give them a good look. However, he didn't drop the ball like a lot of these guys do.