If he ruined the starbucks bag, he should never be booked by url again

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In an interview or a tweet?JJDD said executives from Starbucks were there because they’re thinking about being sponsors for URL. Yeah that idiot Jakkboy is done.
A 2-1 either way in the building vs Lux seems like an inevitable 2-1 Lux clear.
His writing just ages so well.
Interview on PSA. He said the head of Ubereats was there too.In an interview or a tweet?
Interview on PSA. He said the head of Ubereats was there too.
It has NOTHING to do with the QUALITY of a BattleI never understood the beef fans had with rappers caring about their views lol. It’s literally the only actual statistic a battler can use to show his worth.
“Surfing” the wave they created with their fanbaseI dont mind it except when battlers start using that as a crutch
This muthafukka Iron talkin' extra greasy. Lol. Called Surf his son.
Verb had a lot of filler this battle though. I feel like if you give Verb the win it's because you feel his high points were greater (Which you can easily make a case for) but Tone Bro kinda pointed out, Verb went on some long stanzas of just rapping without saying anything pertaining to Lux. Just good rapping.
That’s the one thing that goes through my mind. Imagine Verb and Lux being postponed (or even never happening) because of a fukking guy who calls himself Jakkboy Maine.Can you imagine if Jakk got the event shut down and we never saw the rest of the card?
Smack'n em gotta really think about that before they let this negro back on a stage.