I posted that questionable bar from an old battle of his thinking it was already bad and now it just got more sickening.
Goddamn this Town Bidness card looking pretty fire.
Ill Will vs Pass
Wrong move on so many levels..I feel for his daughter the most
maybe common practices are different these days. when my people get locked up, i dont make it my business to look up they cases. usually i just check to see if they need help with bail, and after that, whatever they tell me about they case, they tell me.
further more, because there is no day in court, we dont know the extent of how these charges are being filed. i will admit though, if he killed himself, it kinda spills the truth on himself that he knew something bad was going to get out here and he didnt want to be around to face it.
but firing at jay blac not the way to go about it. not like tech would go around and just say these charges to anyone willing to listen, or even if blac would be the type to hear his friend got locked up and run to check the case. i dont do that, its that persons business. so i can understand being left in the dark on it.
i had a friend i grew up with , we was cool, my entire family was cool with him, he in prison now for life because he raped and killed a woman, i didnt find this out til years later , before then i just thought he was in jail over street shyt. so its possible to just not know, you have your own lives and concerns and business to tend to, dont have the time to be looking up the criminal record of everyone who i know that goes to jail.
Ever since Surf put Roc under the wing (even tho Roc’s stock was higher)
and Roc started feeling himself he been corny to me.
i agree with that. but champion wasnt some company with downtown offices and business accounts etc. when its social media a lot of guys just get together on some yea lets hook up and set up this platform etc without really looking at backgrounds and checking in on people personal information. i will say going forward this will teach a lesson that this is what we should do when getting in business with others.You’re not wrong but remember JayBlac and tech were in business togerher. So it affects his brand.
That’s why I think it’s not unreasonable to assert Jay blac should have looked into the charges and done some “due dillegence”
There’s a difference between your homie and somebody who you are seen with in the public eye. Especially on a large forum like YouTube
That being said hindsight is always 20/20. I think it’s fair to question what Blac knew and didn’t know but he should not be a scapegoat.
Roc is def gonna have a few bars for Tech, and not nice ones either
Also Mike P supposedly had a classic 3rd round vs JC with some love for Tech 9 in thereThat round is gonna be looked at in a different light when it comes out