Ronnie Lott
When did that happen? I just checked the poll in this very forum had 49 votes 9 debatable 11 for TODD 29 for Roc
Go back and watch that battle objectively and tell me who won
When did that happen? I just checked the poll in this very forum had 49 votes 9 debatable 11 for TODD 29 for Roc
Danja Zone sucks. This generic Fight Night Round 3 opponent looking mofo lost all this year and the wins he had last year were either against unprepared cats or nikkas that took him light. I been told yall this nikkas sucks. I been told yall. Didn't I tell yall? You know I did wiz. But I'm WOAT poster so lets disregard what I say. Yea yea let's do that. fukk Danja Zone. fukk Rum Nitty too. Watch the same thing happen to him.
Go back and watch that battle objectively and tell me who won
lol there was a stretch where I was fukking with Danja. I really enjoyed his performances v Zay, Danny and in the 3 way. His new shtick is over the top though.
What's your beef with Rum Nitty tho?
You really think dude is azz?
Just need a date and time!
Im good with whenever
Danja Zone sucks. This generic Fight Night Round 3 opponent looking mofo lost all this year and the wins he had last year were either against unprepared cats or nikkas that took him light. I been told yall this nikkas sucks. I been told yall. Didn't I tell yall? You know I did wiz. But I'm WOAT poster so lets disregard what I say. Yea yea let's do that. fukk Danja Zone. fukk Rum Nitty too. Watch the same thing happen to him.
Rum is a WGH rapper who actually saw more than 1 movie (Boyz in the Hood) and read a firearms book in his life.No wiz I don't think Rum is garbage. But ReasonableMatic keeps saying Rum >>>>> Daylyt. And someone made the comment that Rum is "B Magic on steriods" and that really made me upset.
wiz what did you think of Rum vs Lotta? I actually think that's Rums (and Lottas) best performance. Now THever ATS a classic.
TODD clearly beat Roc. Why is it so hard to believe that Surf will get a clear win let's not act like Surf is a killer
But ReasonableMatic keeps saying Rum >>>>> Daylyt.
Surf beat Hitman and Hitman beat todd so... you know where im going with that stupid logic.
Todd is ass. Never won a battle vs a name (wavy doesnt count) and he damm sure wont win vs Surf.
Few things cornier to me in battle rap than NWX...what started as a joke, going on podcasts now becoming the norm as professional battlers like Ave join Cave Gang...
How did Calicoe say it to Shine ya big homie got a big homie?
Look at T-Top in that video....smh