Was just about to say this. If memory serves correct, math also didn't get banned after he snuffed dose.
It seems like he got banned because this was a recurring thing with math and also the fact that url lost the venue and didn't want to continue losing venues over math.
I don't think kotd lost the venue where diz snuffed math (I could be wrong but I never heard about it) and this is the first time that I recall diz snuffing someone.
The dose incident happened so long ago it's damn near irrelevant.
It happened at a high school gymnasium for fukk sake.
It helped Smack sell DVDs. That's the only thing that came from it
KOTD should have lost the venue after the Diz brawl. Somebody threw a table, it really had the potential to not end well. It was dangerous for everybody involved including innocent bystanders and fans. I don't know if they did lose the venue but I'm sure there was some repercussions. If I own the venue I certainly wouldn't want them back