What in the hell are you talkin about?like seriously
So , in a male dominated "sport" we can't criticize male battle rappers
You seem really upset that I'm criticizing Tay Roc
You're proving my damn point.
nikkaz go in on EVERY battle rapper in the game. nikkaz go in on Lux, Mook, Clips, Danny, Magic, Verb, DNA, B dot etc, We break every nikka down to the lowest common denominator, but the minute someone says anything remotely bad about Tay Roc, some of y'all nikkaz lose y'all gatdam minds
My God.shyt is outta control
Here you go again, changing the narrative. You're going "OH NO EVERYBODY THINKS ROC & SURF DID NOTHING WRONG" when from what I've seen, not that many people agree.
There's a difference between criticism and hate. You HAVE A VALID CRITICISM, but you keep bytching about how everyone likes Tay Roc when nobody's disagreeing with you.