Essential The Official Battle Rap Random Thoughts Thread (URL, KOTD, UW etc...)


Staff member
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Californ-i-a by way of BK
Him and Serius Jones both...they are rattled forever off of what happened to them, for real. That's the problem with selling yourself as this super alpha tough guy, which is almost a prerequisite in battle rap...once something happens that runs counter to that image you kinda die inside a little bit, lol, it's hard to just eat that when your whole battle rap shtick and "believability" depends on toughness. Serius may be more f'd up than Brizz, that ish is a touchy touchy topic for him still apparently, Math took some of that man's manhood from him in his mind it seems like, I'm surprised he didn't try to smoke Math being honest.
Rosenberg said this in a blog the other day and it's true. The ship has sailed for people to look at Serius as a street nikka. He needs to give that up. It don't take long for fans to determine you as something. Long before the Math punch, Serius was a 10 year vet in the game and nobody took him for some street dude. We didn't necessarily think he was p*ssy but nobody looked at him in no kinda way like he's a tough guy. And it's definitely not happening 20 years deep in your career. Nobody cares what you did or do outside of battle rap, once the culture puts a label on you, it is what it is.

Ethnic Cleansing

Fucc Slobks and Crabks
May 14, 2012
Him and Serius Jones both...they are rattled forever off of what happened to them, for real. That's the problem with selling yourself as this super alpha tough guy, which is almost a prerequisite in battle rap...once something happens that runs counter to that image you kinda die inside a little bit, lol, it's hard to just eat that when your whole battle rap shtick and "believability" depends on toughness. Serius may be more f'd up than Brizz, that ish is a touchy touchy topic for him still apparently, Math took some of that man's manhood from him in his mind it seems like, I'm surprised he didn't try to smoke Math being honest.
At least he was bold enough to have a rematch with Math. Brizz exiled himself from BR then became religious.

Ethnic Cleansing

Fucc Slobks and Crabks
May 14, 2012
Rosenberg said this in a blog the other day and it's true. The ship has sailed for people to look at Serius as a street nikka. He needs to give that up. It don't take long for fans to determine you as something. Long before the Math punch, Serius was a 10 year vet in the game and nobody took him for some street dude. We didn't necessarily think he was p*ssy but nobody looked at him in no kinda way like he's a tough guy. And it's definitely not happening 20 years deep in your career. Nobody cares what you did or do outside of battle rap, once the culture puts a label on you, it is what it is.
Did he ever intimate being a street dude?? I thought his whole bravado was being a pimp
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